i know it's not even christmas yet, but while i was cutting up chip board for a bookcover, i realized just how many lovely things have happened this year-
this year i have...
moved two states away
gave up wheat AND dairy due to bodily protest (yes, it can be done :)
lost like 5 pounds because of it
got to know God more
got to know ian and his fam more
had a car stolen
went from renting to thinking about buying (so stoked!!!)
went from baker to full time artist
experienced a
miraculous healed relationship with my dad and his wife
slept on a boat for the first time
started my own business (however small ;)
got a hand-me-down drooly, lovey cat
got real health insurance thanks to ian
saw a fledgling bald eagle take its first flight
lost my only two wisdom teeth
overcame my fear of...
cloudy and rainy weather
precision in art (like using razor blades and rulers... refer to first sentence of post)
piano (kinda)
people (ok. not fully. i'm getting better though... not all the way there yet...)
failing in art
giving up dairy and wheat
what a wonderful, morphing life my wonderful God gives!
leave a comment! what has happened in this last year that you are super stoked or blessed by! list as many as you can! :)