my favorite part is this blanket.
there's a point at night, at probably 3 or 4 in the morning where the temperature here drops to something normal like 65 and for a few blissful hours i get to sleep with a blanket over me and not a sheet.
sleeping with a sheet over you is a psychosomatic joke- like decaf coffee...merely there just because we know that people who sleep without blankets or coverings are...well, homeless or dead. like nebuchadnezzer sleeping in the open air because he went crazy.
so to ward off the stigma i resort to the sheet.
(i need all the help i can get sometimes to remind myself i'm not crazy...)
this blanket is my sole recompense for having to wake up at 3 or 4 every morning due to the fact that my useless sheet has become even more useless, except now rather than making me a few degrees too warm, it has taken to freezing me into groggy awareness (that it may be reunited with its fellow bedding implement, of course).
i could tell you a few other funny stories about this how the safeway has a hand written sign posted that no dogs, cleats or barefeet are allowed in the store. i mean, that pretty much sums up the town i think.
or how there is always this pervading sense that at some point in my walking to and from school and downtown that someone is going to end my life by crashing into me with a purple $500 beach cruiser bike.
or how i can simultaneously miss my home (not to mention sincere people and meaningful conversations) so much and yet possess such a peace here that i dont understand.