August 7, 2008

cowboy shirts and why the british are cool

i am in tehachapi housesitting and working on a small organic farm these days

(if you dont know where tehachapi is, ask your neighbor)

today i picked raspberries and orange cherry tomatoes for, like, 4 hours.  it was pretty amazing- especially because i was wearing a huge sun hat and a man's long sleeve cowboy shirt (tied at the waist all 80's) and there were bees and silence singing into my thoughts

i decided the taste of a sun warmed raspberry proves there is a God
(among other things)

anyway, i also worked for this farm at their farmers market booth.
next to us was this guy from england and his wife who make and sell goat cheese.  
imagine a little tent booth at farmers and space for one more booth beside it. 
all of a sudden a huge dodge truck starts to parallel park itself between the back of our booth and the back of the open space beside us.

the truck came an inch from our table
i squealed
and out of the truck a man got out
i congratulated him and he replied in his british accent
"its because of where i learned!"

in britain.  of course.  those people are magicians with cars and tight spaces.
thats why british people are cool
(among other things)

ps.  here is the website for the place i am working at:


chassafrass said...

oh, i'm sure armenian cucumbers are the very best....if only because they're armenian....tehe.
and tehachapi is the place where all the wind mills are right? my friend's mom grew up there....stinkin hot!

Erika Marie said...


Robin said...

yum... raspberries

miss you (among other things)

KyleSan said...

I don't understand where the Armenian Cucumbers come in... Is tehachpi in Armenia? My neighbor is a dog right now and she doesn't know. Are you a migrant farm worker now?